Professional services disputes

Have you paid good money for professional advice which ends up as negligent advice? Do you know whether you are entitled to compensation? Or does the thought of making a claim leave you feeling overwhelmed and stressful? That’s why we are here to help.

Our legal experts will sensitively and efficiently talk through your legal options and advise you if your claim is likely to succeed. We make the legal process clear and understandable, working with you to achieve the outcome that's right for you.

My team comprises 45 solicitors, paralegals and support staff and undertakes a range of disputes work for individuals.

William Ellerton, Head of Litigation

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We appreciate your frustration of paying for bad or negligent professional advice. You may not know your legal rights, or you could feel uneasy about the legal process, the expense or even the complicated language and terms that solicitors use.

We have created information pages on the types of disputes we regularly deal with providers of professional services. We explain how we can help you, what you need to consider, what your funding options are and what you can do next.

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  • Professional services disputes
Disputes with solicitors

Legal matters tend to be complex and expensive; the last thing you need is a mistake by your solicitor. Negligence by a solicitor can set back months of work, result in you losing a case or proceeding with a bad transaction, all of which could cost you thousands of pounds.

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Disputes with architects

Negligence by an architect can be devastating, especially if it is not discovered until much later.  By the time you discover the problem it may be harder to solve.  It may also have serious knock on effects including damage to other parts of your property, health and safety concerns, problems with the building authorities, further costs and serious disruption to businesses and lives.

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Disputes with financial advisers

You need to know that your financial adviser can be relied on. Mistakes or negligence on their part can have serious consequences for your finances or your investments.

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Disputes with accountants

Incorrect advice from an accountant, or errors when carrying out accountancy services can cause significant financial harm to both individuals and businesses.

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Disputes with surveyors

Negligence by a surveyor can cause real problems. It can cost you a lot of money, or even put your health in danger if you move into a home with issues that a surveyor did not find.

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Disputes with auditors

An auditor’s failure to detect material errors and discrepancies and negligently sign off a company’s accounts can cause significant damage.

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Disputes with estate agents

Estate agents often require their clients to accept terms that entitle them to a hefty fee even if they end up playing little part in finding a buyer or closing a deal.   

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Disputes with actuaries

Actuaries play a vital role in helping you manage risk. If they are negligent and cause you to suffer loss you believed you had guarded against, you may be able to take legal action against them.

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Disputes with brokers

Brokers have a number of responsibilities to make sure the cover they provide meets your needs. If they get this wrong, you could be unable to claim and lose a lot of money.

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