Our motorcycling services

  • Motorcycling services
Motorcycle accident injury claims

Motorcyclists are the most vulnerable road users and can be left with devastating life changing injuries following a road traffic accident.

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Broken bone injury claims

Complicated bone breaks or fractures could have an impact on your long-term physical independence and mental wellbeing. Your injury may impact on your ability to work and support your family, your future career and participation in sports and hobbies. You may need medical treatment, rehabilitation, and require professional care and adaptions to your home life.

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Diesel spill motorcycle accident claims

Careless car drivers, pot holes, road debris, spalling and manhole covers are just some hazards bikers face on today’s roads. But some hazards in the road – such as diesel spillages – are harder to spot and can lead to you coming off your bike.

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Disputes with motorcycle dealers

Buying a new or second-hand motorbike that is defective can leave you stranded. Paying for costly repairs or servicing carried out without reasonable care and skill can leave you out-of-pocket.

You may quickly find yourself in a dispute with a motorcycle dealer or service centre that may be reluctant to resolve the problem.

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Filtering & Junction claims

Many road users fail to see bikers, especially at junctions or in slow moving traffic, and that’s unfortunately when a high number of motorcycling accidents happen.

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Hit & run motorcycle accident claims

By law, all road users must stop and report a road traffic accident. When a motorist causing the accident fails to stop, the lives of those injured and their families are changed forever. Bikers are especially vulnerable and often the victims of hit and run accidents.

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Soft tissue injury claims

Soft tissue injuries is a generic term used to describe damaged muscles, ligaments or tendons that often result from road traffic and motorcycling accidents. These types of injury can be minor and severe causing long-term symptoms and financial consequences.

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Brain or head injury claims

Hitting your head during an accident that wasn’t your fault can leave you with lasting damage to your brain. This can often result in physical problems with movement, balance and speech. Cognitive functions such as memory, attention and personality can also be impaired. The consequences of a brain injury can have a significant impact not only on yourself, but your whole family.

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Amputation injury claims

Suffering an amputation following an accident that wasn’t your fault is a life changing event. The loss of a limb will have a significant impact on not only yourself, but your whole family as you seek to readjust to life and the future.

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Fatal accident claims

No amount of compensation can make amends for losing a loved one. However, knowing that finances are taken care of will allow you to grieve more freely for the person who is no longer with you.

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Spinal injury claims

A spinal injury can cause a range of symptoms from pins and needles in the arms and legs to reduced mobility. In catastrophic cases, the spinal cord can become severely damaged resulting in paralysis.

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Read more from the DAS Law blog

General advice , Motorcycling What to do if the council won’t fix the potholes on your road

Corey Evans, Associate at DAS Law clarifies the legal position around damage caused by potholes and the possible repercussions for those who seek to resolve them themselves.

January 2024
General advice , Motorcycling Motoring offences: drivers need to keep up to speed on the rules of the road

Breaking any speed limit (including temporary speed limits) is an offence, and it is the driver’s responsibility to be aware of the law.

April 2023
General advice , Motorcycling What you should know about cycling laws

Where does the law stand on helmets, safety cameras and cycling offences? Chloe Williams, Legal Adviser from DAS Law, has the answers.

June 2020
General advice , Motorcycling What you need to know about seat belts and car seats

What is the current law on wearing seatbelts? DAS Law’s Molly-Ellen Turecek explains.

February 2020
Motorcycling 7 things you should know about driving fines

Millions of motorists across the UK are committing driving offences they did not know existed. Robert Hodson looks at the law around some of the most common offences.

May 2019
Motorcycling Don’t let the law come calling when using your mobile phone while driving

Sam Phillips, a trainee solicitor at DAS Law, gives us the low-down on the law on mobile phones and driving.

April 2019
General advice , Motorcycling How to fight a parking ticket

There are a number of important differences between parking tickets from the local council and those enforced by private companies. DAS Law has the lowdown on parking tickets and tells you how to pursue a dispute and avoid paying penalty charges.

February 2019
Road traffic accidents , Motorcycling What you need to know about motorcycling accidents

Our expert motorcycling solicitors have answered some of the most asked questions about motorcycling accidents and resulting liability disputes.

September 2018
Road traffic accidents , Motorcycling Don’t race into trouble with the law when it comes to speed limits

Where does the law stand for drivers without the funds to hire a lawyer to defend their case and what do drivers need to know to challenge a fine?

September 2018
Motorcycling , Goods and services disputes Motorcycling-related disputes – what to do if you buy a dodgy bike

Our expert motorcycling solicitors have answered some of the most asked questions around common biking-related disputes.

August 2018
Motorcycling DAS Law biker profile: Manny

Manny is a Multi-Track Specialist in the Personal Injury department at DAS Law. Here he tells us a bit about his history and life on the road and in the garage.

August 2018
Motorcycling Motorbiking and riding – what you need to know

Bikers often call our legal advice helpline asking questions ranging from disputes with motorcycle dealers and service centres. Here are answers to the more common questions.

August 2018
General advice , Motorcycling What you need to know about car insurance, tax and MOT

As a vehicle owner, it is your duty to ensure that your car is taxed and has a valid MOT, and as a driver you must also have valid insurance.

April 2018